Sample Topic Detail View Template

Use the following sample for customizing the Detail view for the topic component.

Cut and paste the HTML contents below into a file named topic.details.html, and place it in the Application Data\Micro Focus\StarTeam folder for the current user. For example, on a Microsoft Windows system, this file would be located in the C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Application Data\Micro Focus\StarTeam folder.

<b>Flag User List</b>: ~~FlagUserList~~<br> 
<b>Version</b>: ~~RevisionNumber~~<br> 
<b>Status</b>: ~~Status~~<br> 
<b>Read Status User List</b>: ~~ReadStatusUserList~~<br> 
<b>Modified Time</b>: ~~ModifiedTime~~<br> 
<b>Attachment IDs</b>: ~~AttachmentIDs~~<br> 
<b>Created Time</b>: ~~CreatedTime~~<br> 
<b>Content</b>: ~~Description~~<br> 
<b>Share State</b>: ~~ShareState~~<br> 
<b>CommentID</b>: ~~CommentID~~<br> 
<b>Created By</b>: ~~CreatedUserID~~<br> 
<b>Deleted Time</b>: ~~DeletedTime~~<br> 
<b>Children Count</b>: ~~ChildrenCount~~<br> 
<b>Title</b>: ~~Title~~<br> 
<b>Non-Exclusive Lockers</b>: ~~NonExclusiveLockers~~<br> 
<b>Topic Number</b>: ~~TopicNumber~~<br> 
<b>Recipient IDs</b>: ~~RecipientIDs~~<br> 
<b>Short Comment</b>: ~~ShortComment~~<br> 
<b>Recipient Count</b>: ~~RecipientCount~~<br> 
<b>Locked By</b>: ~~ExclusiveLocker~~<br> 
<b>Folder Path</b>: ~~Folder Path~~<br> 
<b>Object ID</b>: ~~ID~~<br> 
<b>Flag</b>: ~~Flag~~<br> 
<b>Recipient Names</b>: ~~RecipientNames~~<br> 
<b>Read Only</b>: ~~ReadOnly~~<br> 
<b>My Lock</b>: ~~MyLock~~<br> 
<b>Configuration Time</b>: ~~ConfigurationTime~~<br> 
<b>Comment</b>: ~~Comment~~<br> 
<b>Revision Flags</b>: ~~RevisionFlags~~<br> 
<b>End Modified Time</b>: ~~EndModifiedTime~~<br> 
<b>Am I Recipient?</b>: ~~AmIRecipient~~<br> 
<b>New Revision Comment</b>: ~~NewRevisionComment~~<br> 
<b>Attachment Count</b>: ~~AttachmentCount~~<br> 
<b>Type</b>: ~~Type~~<br> 
<b>Priority</b>: ~~Priority~~<br> 
<b>Modified By</b>: ~~ModifiedUserID~~<br> 
<b>Deleted By</b>: ~~DeletedUserID~~<br> 
<b>Attachment names</b>: ~~AttachmentNames~~<br> 
<b>Dot Notation</b>: ~~DotNotation~~<br> 
<b>Read Status</b>: ~~ReadStatus~~<br> 
<b>Parent Topic ID</b>: ~~ParentTopicID~~<br> 

Fields Used in Detail View Templates

The fields used in the Detail view HTML templates are recognized by the client when they are contained between double tilde ~~ characters. For example: ~~Status~~ represents the represents the Status field found in the field found in the Topic Properties dialog box. Refer to the link at the bottom of this topic for more information about the fields that you can use in the Detail view templates.