Checking In Files

You can check in files:

  • Without opening a dialog box to set any specific check in options using the StarTeam toolbar button, Put outgoing changes to StarTeam Server.
  • By opening a Check In dialog box and setting specific check-in options, such as Lock Status, using the Team > Check In command.
Note: Unlike other StarTeam clients, the StarTeam Eclipse Plugin does not have a special Add Files dialog for putting new files (files with the status in not-in-view) under version control. You use the same standard Check In dialog box for files that have been modified while under version control and for files that are new.
  1. Choose Team > Check In from one of the Eclipse Explorers or from any view that displays the Team context menu. The Check In dialog box opens.
  2. Type a generic reason for the check-in comment, or check Prompt for a comment (check-in reason) for each file to open a separate File Description dialog box for each file.
  3. Select a Lock status option:
    Releases your lock on the files after check-in.
    Indicates that you intend to make further changes to the files.
    Indicates that you are working on the files and may possibly make changes.
    Keep current
    Retains the current lock status.
  4. Continue completing the Check In dialog box options as follows.
    • Optionally, check Force check-in to check in files regardless of their status.
    • Optionally, check Delete working files to remove the selected files from your working folder after they are checked in.
    • (Required if process rules are enforced) Check Link and pin process item to link the new files to process items. To use a process item besides the active process item, click Select and use the Select Process Item dialog box to change the process item.
    • If work on the active process item is now complete, check Mark selected process item as fixed/finished/complete.
    • To make changes to the selected process item's properties during the check-in process, check Show property editor for selected process item.
    • Optionally, select a Revision label from the list, or create a new revision label by typing its name. Existing labels are listed in reverse chronological order, based on the time at which they were created, unless the Sort View Labels By Name option has been selected in the Personal Options dialog box.
  5. Optionally, click Advanced to open the Advanced Options dialog box.
    • Check Set EOL check-out format (for text files only) to control the EOL character stored with the files. The default setting is based on the EOL setting in the File Properties dialog box.
    • Select an appropriate check-out File Encoding from the list.
    • Select the file type of file you have selected: ASCII, Binary, or Unicode.
    • Click Show Change Requests to review the change requests linked to the files you are checking in.
    • Click OK.
  6. Click OK.