The workflow of a change request may be significantly affected when the change request is moved, merged, or branches:
- If the
Last Build Tested and the
Addressed In Build fields have build labels as their values (if these fields are not empty and do not contain the value
Next Build) the altered change request retains those values. In the new view, these values can be changed, but only to the names of
build labels that exist in that view.
- If the
Addressed In Build field contains the value
Next Build at the time of the operation, this value is replaced by the name of the next build label created in the original view, not
the next build label created in the new view. This action occurs even if other alterations have been made to the change request
in the new view.
- If the
Last Build Tested and the
Addressed In Build fields have no values at the time of the operation, their workflow is specific to the view in which they currently reside.
Note: If a change request branches, its workflow is affected by its values in the
Last Build Tested and the
Addressed In Build fields at the time it branches.