Each view has its own set of promotion states. Access to these states is controlled by the “Define promotion model” right, which is available from the View node of the Access Rights dialog at the view and project levels. A user with the Define promotion level right can do anything to the promotion model, for example create and delete states, edit their properties, promote a label from one state to another. Promotion is a subset of editing properties. Anyone who can edit the properties of a state can also promote that state and reorder the states within the view.
Access rights that govern access to individual promotion states. These Generic object rights and Promotion state specific rights are available from the Promotion State node of the Access Rights dialog at the view and project levels. They also appear on the access rights for individual promotion states. The rights for an individual promotion state are checked at the state level; if necessary, the checking continues at the view level and eventually the project level. If a user is granted a given right at one level, there is no need to check the next.
When a right is granted at the view level, it applies to all states in the view, unless access is denied at the state level. When a right is granted at the project level, it applies to all the states in all the views within the project, unless access is denied at the state or view levels.
Change the access rights for an individual promotion state. If you change this setting, be sure that you remain one of the users who can change access rights. This right is a generic object right. After creating a promotion state, you must exit and reenter the Promotion dialog if you want to set access rights for the newly created state.
Change the label assigned to an individual state either by clicking the Promote button or editing the label property. No other properties for the state can be edited unless the user also has the Define promotion model access right from the View node. This right is a promotion state specific right.