Finding Items

You can search all items displayed in the upper pane for the data contained in any displayed field. For example, you can locate a change request by its number or search for a file with a particular name, status, time stamp, or size.

  1. Select a folder in Server Explorer or in one of the Eclipse Explorers.
  2. Enter CTRL+F. The Find dialog box opens.
  3. Type part or all of the data in the Search For field.
    Note: Wild cards are not supported.
  4. Select Forward to search the upper pane from the top to the bottom, or select Backward to search the upper pane from the bottom to the top.
  5. Select Starting at: Currently Selected Item to begin searching from the item that is presently selected, or select Starting at: First Item to search from the first item in the upper pane.
  6. Select either All Displayed Fields or This Field. If you select This field, select the field for which you want to search from the list.
  7. Check Match Case if a case-sensitive search is appropriate.
  8. Click Find to search.
Tip: Use F3 to find the next item that matches the search text and Shift+F3 to find the previous item that matches the search text.