This section lists all the task fields in alphabetical order.
Values: date/time.
Internal Identifier: StTaskActualFinish.
The actual finish date for a task.
Values: number.
Internal Identifier: StTaskActualHours.
The number of hours spent completing the task.
Values: date/time.
Internal Identifier: StTaskActualStart.
The actual start date for a task.
Values: number.
Internal Identifier: AttachmentCount.
The number of files attached to an item.
Values: byte array. Displayed as a bracketed series of numbers in hex format. For example: [00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00] indicates two specific attachments.
Internal Identifier: AttachmentCount.
Cannot be used in queries. The ID numbers assigned to attachments. For example, the first attachment within a project is 00 00 00 00.
Values: text containing a series of file names separated by spaces.
Internal Identifier: AttachmentNames.
The names of the files attached to an item.
Values: text.
Internal Identifier: StTaskAttentionNotes.
The text in the Needs Attention note.
Values: number.
Internal Identifier: ChildrenCount.
The number of items that are children of this item. This is a client-calculated field.
Values: text.
Internal Identifier: Comment.
The initial 2000 characters provided as the reason for changing an item's properties or contents are stored in the Short Comment field. The Comment field stores those 2000 characters and any additional text. Changing an item's properties causes the application to create a new revision.
Values: number.
Internal Identifier: CommentID.
The ID number assigned to the revision comment. Displays -1 if no revision comment was supplied.
Values: date/time.
Internal Identifier: ConfigurationTime.
Indicates the time to which an item is configured. If you configure an item to a specific time, this field contains that time. If you configure an item to a label or promotion state, this field shows either the time at which the label was created or the time at which the label associated with the promotion state was created.
Values: date/time.
Internal Identifier: StTaskConstraintDate.
A task’s constraint date from MS Project.
Values: As Late As Possible, As Soon As Possible, Finish No Earlier Than, Finish No Later Than, Must Finish On, Must Start On, Start No Earlier Than, Start No Later Than.
Internal Identifier: StTaskConstraintType.
A task’s constraint type from MS Project.
Values: list of users, <None>.
Internal Identifier: CreatedUserID.
The name of the user who created the first revision in the view. This is either the user who added the item to the project, or the user who checked in the revision that branched.
Values: date/time.
Internal Identifier: CreatedTime
The time at which the first revision in the view was created.
Values: list of users, <None>.
Internal Identifier: DeletedUserID.
The name of the user who deleted the item. Because deleted items do not appear in the list, this information is unavailable to users. Internal Use Only.
Values: date/time.
Internal Identifier: DeletedTime.
The time at which an item was deleted. Because deleted items do not appear in the list, this information is unavailable to users. Internal Use Only.
Values: text.
Internal Identifier: DotNotation.
The branch revision number, for example,
Values: date/time.
Internal Identifier: EndModifiedTime.
The date and time at which a revision ceased to be the tip revision. Although this field can be displayed in the upper pane, its value is always blank. This is because, at any given configuration time, the item is still the tip revision.
Values: date/time.
Internal Identifier: StTaskEstimatedFinish.
The estimated finish date for a task.
Values: date/time.
Internal Identifier: StTaskEstimatedFinishVariance.
The difference between the estimated and the actual finish date for a task.
Values: number
Internal Identifier: StTaskEstimatedHours.
The number of hours spent completing the task.
Values: number.
Internal Identifier: StTaskEstimatedHoursVariance
The difference between the estimated and the actual number of hours spent completing the task.
Values: date/time.
Internal Identifier: StTaskEstimatedStart.
The estimated start date for a task.
Values: date/time.
Internal Identifier: StTaskEstimatedStartVariance.
The difference between the estimated and the actual start date for a task.
Values: No, Yes.
Internal Identifier: Flag.
Marks or bookmarks files in the upper pane on your workstation. This is a client-calculated field.
Values: text displayed as a list of user names. For example: [Greg,Sam] indicates user names.
Internal Identifier: FlagUserList.
Can be used in queries. Identifies users who have set flags on a given item.
Values: text.
Internal Identifier: Folder Path (contains spaces).
The path to the folder. This is not the path to the working folder.
Values: No, Yes.
Internal Identifier: IsMyTask?.
Indicates whether the logged on user is responsible for a task. This is a client-calculated field.
Values: 0, 1.
Internal Identifier: Is Replicated (contains spaces).
Indicates whether the task is from MS Project task.
Values: list of users, None.
Internal Identifier: ItemDeletedUserID.
The name of the user who deleted this item. Because deleted items do not appear in the list, this information is unavailable to users. Internal Use Only.
Values: date/time.
Internal Identifier: ItemDeltedTime.
The time at which the item was deleted. Because deleted items do not appear in the list, this information is unavailable to users. Internal Use Only.
Values: date/time.
Internal Identifier: StTaskMSProjectLastUpdate.
The date that a task was last updated from MS Project.
Values: date/time.
Internal Identifier: StWorkDependencyLastUpdate.
The last time that a work record or a dependency (task successor or predecessor) was added, edited, or deleted. This field is for use with MS Project.
Values: list of users, <None>.
Internal Identifier: ExclusiveLocker.
The name of the user who has exclusively locked a folder.
Values: No, Yes.
Internal Identifier: StTaskMilestone
Indicates whether a task represents a milestone. In MS Project, the definition for a milestone is a task of zero time length. It serves as a heading for one or more tasks to which a time length has been assigned.
In the application, a task has a milestone check box. After work is assigned to a task, it is no longer a milestone.
Values: list of users, <None>.
Internal Identifier: ModifiedUserID.
The name of the user who last modified the item.
Values: date/time.
Internal Identifier: ModifiedTime.
The time at which an item was last modified. The item may have been checked in or had its properties changed. For folders, this has nothing to do with the working folder. Use Local Time Stamp for the time a working folder was last modified.
Values: text.
Internal Identifier: StTaskMSProjectFileName.
The name of the MS project file from which a task was exported.
Values: text.
Internal Identifier: StTaskGUID.
The GUID for a task in MS Project.
Values: number.
Internal Identifier: StTaskUniqueID.
The unique ID for a task in MS Project.
Values: text.
Internal Identifier: StTaskWBSCode.
A task’s WBS code from MS Project.
Values: Exclusively Locked By Me, Non-exclusively Locked By Me, Not Locked By Me.
Internal Identifier: MyLock.
Indicates whether the current user has the item locked and, if so, whether that lock is exclusive or not. This is a client-calculated field.
Values: No, Yes.
Internal Identifier: StTaskNeedsAttention.
Indicates that the check box for Needs Attention has been selected.
Values: text.
Internal Identifier: NewRevisionComment.
Internal use only. The client uses this value during the item update process. The field always appears empty if added to the upper pane. This is a client-calculated field.
Values: text.
Internal Identifier: NonExclusiveLockers.
The names of the users who have locked the folder non-exclusively.
Values: text.
Internal Identifier: Notes.
Text comments on the effort levels for this item.
Values: number.
Internal Identifier: ID.
Each item is assigned an object ID when it is added to a view. For applicable items, when it is branched in a child view, it is assigned another object ID. The original ID belongs to the folder in the parent view.
Values: number.
Internal Identifier: ParentID.
The object ID of an item in the parent view. The Parent ID is -1 if this view has no parent view.
Values: number.
Internal Identifier: StTaskPercentComplete.
A percentage indicating how much of a task has been completed.
Values: Do Not Level, High, Higher, Highest, Low, Lower, Lowest, Medium, Very High, Very Low.
Internal Identifier: StTaskPriority.
Indicates the priority given to a task. These priorities are identical to those in MS Project.
Values: No, Yes.
Internal Identifier: ReadOnly.
Indicates whether the item’s configuration is read-only (as in a rollback configuration of a view)/its behavior does not allow it to branch on modification. For folders, do not confuse a read-only configuration (an application issue) with a read-only folder (an operating system issue). A read-only folder cannot be edited and saved to disk. A folder whose configuration is read-only can be edited and saved to disk; it just cannot be checked in.
Values: Read, Unread.
Internal Identifier: ReadStatus.
Indicates whether an item is considered read or not read. This is a client-calculated field.
Values: text displayed as a list of user names. For example: [Greg,Sam] indicates user names.
Internal Identifier: ReadStatusUserList.
Can be used in queries. Identifies users for whom a given item’s status is Unread.
Values: number.
Internal Identifier: StTaskResourceCount.
The number of users listed as resources for a task.
Values: byte array, displayed as a bracketed series of numbers in hex format. For example, [14 00 00 00] indicates a specific user.
Internal Identifier: StTaskResourceIDs.
Cannot be used in queries. The ID numbers assigned to the users who are this task’s resources.
Values: text containing a series of user names separated by spaces
Internal Identifier: StTaskResourceNames
The names of the users who are this task’s resources.
Values: list of users, <None>.
Internal Identifier: StTaskResponsibility.
The name of the user who is currently responsible for the task.
Values: 0.
Internal Identifier: RevisionFlags.
Internal use only.
Values: DerivedShare, Not Shared, Root Share.
Internal Identifier: ShareState
Indicates whether this item is shared. Not Shared means that the item is not shared. Root Share means that the item is shared and this item is the original (or root) reference. DerivedShare means that the item is shared, but this item is not the original (or root) reference.
Values: text.
Internal Identifier: ShortComment.
Stores the initial 2000 characters provided as the reason for changing an item’s properties or contents. Additional text is stored in the Comment field.
Values: Closed, Finish, Hold, In Progress, Pending, Ready To Start.
Internal Identifier: STTaskStatus.
Indicates the status of the task.
Values: number
Internal Identifier: STTaskDuration
The number of hours during which any user is working on a task. For example if two people will work eight hours on a task, the duration is eight hours if they work at the same time or a maximum of 16 hours if they do the work on different days.
Values: text.
Internal Identifier: STTaskName.
The name of the task.
Values: number.
Internal Identifier: StTaskNumber.
The number assigned to a task. For example, if the Object ID is 0, the task number is 1.
Values: MSProject, StarTeam.
Internal Identifier: STTaskOrigin.
Indicates whether the task was created in the application or exported to the application from Microsoft Project.
Values: Fixed Duration, Fixed Units, Fixed Work.
Internal Identifier: StTaskType.
A task’s type in MS Project.
Values: number.
Internal Identifier: RevisionNumber.
The last number in the branch revision number. For example, if the branch revision number is, the version is 2.
Values: number.
Internal Identifier: WorkRecCount.
The number of work records currently added to a task.