Resetting Filters

In StarTeam, you can apply a filter, then rearrange the data on the upper pane or apply a new query. Doing this places an asterisk in front of the filter's name, showing that it has been changed. After looking at the new data, you can then reset the filter as it was originally defined on the server, which removes the asterisk.

  1. Select a folder in the Server Explorer or one of the Eclipse Explorers.
  2. Open one of the following views: Change Request, Requirement, Task, Topic, or Audit Log.
  3. Choose Filters > Filters. The Filters dialog box appears.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click a column header on the upper pane, then select Reset Current Settings.
    • Choose Filters > Reset Current Settings from the component or context menu.
    The system asks: Reset filter: <Filter>?
  5. When the system asks: Reset filter: <Filter>?, click OK. This action resets the filter and removes the asterisk.