Generating Correlation Charts

This procedure explains how to generate a Correlation chart from the item data in the upper pane. A Correlation chart displays as a scatter chart, based on the fields you specify for the x-axis and y-axis.

You can filter out data in the upper pane to display only the data that you want to include in your chart. In addition, you can select specific items from the filtered data to include in your chart. A maximum of 60 fields can be displayed in the upper pane.

Note: You can only generate a Distribution or Time-series chart for audit entries
  1. Click a component tab in the upper pane and select an item.
  2. Optionally, select the specific items you want to chart.
  3. Right-click in the upper pane and choose Charts > Correlation . The Correlation Chart dialog box opens.
  4. Type a name for the chart in the Chart Name field.
  5. Select one axis label from the x-coordinates list box, and one from the y-coordinates list box.
    Note: These coordinate lists display the names of the fields that are displayed in the upper pane that can be used as axes. A maximum of sixty fields can be displayed in the upper pane.
  6. Select a printer page orientation: Portrait or Landscape.
  7. Click OK.
Note: If the chart has too much data on it to be readable, increase the size of the chart window, or decrease the number of items in the chart.