File Status Information

The operations you can perform on a particular file depend upon the status of the file. A successful check-in or check-out operation updates the status of your working file to Current, unless you check out a historical revision or delete the file. This list includes all status classes and shows their effects on check-ins and check-outs.


The tip revision of this file is in your working folder.

Does not affect the file revision in the repository.
Does not affect the file revision on your workstation.
Deleted on Disk

A file with this status functions as a filtered element of the Missing status, but includes additional information that the local file in your working folder was deleted.

Not applicable. If a file has a Deleted on Disk status, it is not in your working folder, so it cannot be checked in.
Copies the file to your working folder. If a file has a Deleted on Disk status, you will be asked if you want to check it out when you open it. You can also check it out manually.

You can only view this status in the Items pane and it is not a value option in a query if you choose Status as a Field condition. However, when you generate a report this status does display on the report.

Note: If you deleted the file in your working folder, you may also want to delete it on the server or check out the file in the project view to your working folder. Otherwise, files in your working folder and in the project view will be out-of sync.
Deleted on Server

A file with this status functions as a filtered element of the Not in View status, but includes additional information that the file on the server in the project view was deleted.

Not applicable. Files with the Deleted on Server status cannot be checked in. However, you can add them to the project with the Add Files command.
Not applicable. Files with the Deleted on Server status are not in the project view, so they cannot be checked out.

You can only view this status in the Items pane and it is not a value option in a query if you choose Status as a Field condition. However, when you generate a report this status does display on the report.

Note: If the file is deleted on the server, you should verify whether the file in your working folder is obsolete. To prevent any issues, determine the reason for the deleted file before you add the file back to the project view.

Ignore acts as a note to self to ignore the marked files. It does not change any functionality within the files or within StarTeam. You can restore files back to their StarTeam status when you are done ignoring them. Right-click the file and select Ignore or Restore.

Not applicable. Files with the Ignore status can be checked in. However, marking them as Ignore indicates that you do not want to work with the file.
Not applicable. Files with the Ignore status can be checked out. However, marking them as Ignore indicates that you do not want to work with the file.

The file is not in your working folder.

Not applicable. If a file has a Missing status, it is not in your working folder, so it cannot be checked in.
Copies the file to your working folder. If a file has a Missing status, you will be asked if you want to check it out when you open it. You can also check it out manually.

The file in your working folder has been modified, but is not based on the tip (latest) revision of this file. This status usually occurs when you and another person have both been working on a file, but the other person has checked it in before you.

Unless you force a check-in, File Compare/Merge starts. If the file is a text file, File Compare/Merge can reconcile the differences between it and the tip revision. If the file is binary, you may be able to merge the working version and the tip revision by using the application in which the file was created.
Not allowed, unless you force the check-out. The file changes you have made in your working folder will be lost.

Your working file has been altered and is based on the tip revision of this file.

Unless someone else has the file locked, you can check in the file.
Not allowed unless you force the check-out. Your changes will be lost if you check out the file, because it overwrites the file in your working folder.
Modified on Disk and Deleted on Server

A file with this status functions as a filtered element of the Not in View status, but includes additional information that the local file in your working folder was modified, but the same file on the server in the project view was deleted.

Not applicable. Files with the Modified on Disk and Deleted on Server status cannot be checked in. However, you can add them to the project with the Add Files command.
Not applicable. Files with the Modified on Disk and Deleted on Server status are not in the project view, so they cannot be checked out.

You can only view this status in the Items pane and it is not a value option in a query if you choose Status as a Field condition. However, when you generate a report this status does display on the report.

Note: You changed a file in your working folder, but since that file was deleted in the project view you should determine if you need to also delete it or update the project view with your modified file.
Not in view

The file is in your working folder, but not in the project view.

Not applicable. Files with the Not in View status cannot be checked in. However, you can add them to the project with the Add Files command.
Not applicable. Files with the Not in View status are not in the project view, so they cannot be checked out.
Out of Date

The file in your working folder is an outdated revision of the file. If you need the current revision, you should check it out.

Not allowed, unless you force the check-in. Checking in an Out Of Date file overwrites the changes made to the tip revision of the file with your older file revision.
Checking out an Out Of Date file makes the file in your working folder Current.

The file in the working folder has the same name as a file in the view, but the file in the view has not been checked out from the repository. You may have copied it from another location.

Not allowed, unless you force the operation. If the file status is Unknown, the consequences of this action are also unknown, except that the file in your working folder becomes the tip revision in the repository. Before forcing a check-in, try to identify the file by using Update Status with an MD5 checksum instead of a time stamp (see File Options). If you still cannot identify the file, compare the file in your working folder to the current tip revision.
Allowed, if you merge the file in your working folder with the tip revision. However, because the first revision acts as the ancestor file for the merge, many parts of the files may be in conflict. Instead of merging, you may prefer to force a check-out or check-in. If the file status is Unknown, the consequences of forcing a check-out are also unknown, except that this action also overwrites the file in your working directory. Before forcing a check-out, try to identify the file by using Update Status with an MD5 checksum. If you still cannot identify the file, compare the file in your working folder to the current tip revision.