File Filters

File > Filters > Filters

Filtering allows you to limit the types and numbers of items that appear in the upper pane. The list of filters depends on your selection from the folder tree and whether the All Descendants button is selected from the toolbar or component menu.

StarTeam provides a set of predefined filters that are intended as starting points for you to create your own custom filters. Use the Filter list on the toolbar to view and apply predefined file filters.

<All Files By Status>

Groups the files that have the same status: Current, Deleted on Disk, Deleted on Server, Missing, Modified, Modified on Disk and Deleted on Server, Merge, Out Of Date, Not In View, and Unknown.

<Flagged Items>
Files that have been flagged for some special reason. For example, you may want to use flags to remind yourself to follow up on a customer request. Flags are set, viewed, and removed by the user who created them.
All Non-Excluded Files
All non-excluded files that exist either in application folders or their working folders.
Files In View
Files in the working folder that exist in the current project view.
Files Not In View
Files in the working folder that do not exist in the current project view. Unless you add them to the project, their names will never appear on the same list as the files that are in your project.
Files to Check In
All files in the view that need to be checked in. The statuses are Modified, Merge, or Not In View.
Files to Check Out
All files in the view that need to be checked out. The statuses are Out Of Date, Missing, or Merge.
Note: StarTeam lists the files that need to be merged when you apply either the Files To Check In or Files To Check Out filter.