Committing View Compare/Merge Change Session

Committing a View Compare/Merge change package session applies all changes to the StarTeam repository. You must resolve all merge conflicts before you can commit the View Compare/Merge change session.

  1. Open the target view in the Cross-Platform Client Content Perspective containing the change session you want to commit.
  2. Double-click the change package you want to commit. It will be listed in the list of change packages in the Content Perspective and will have a status of New.
    Note: If you do not see the session you want, make sure the Filter list has the correct selection so all sessions are displayed.
  3. Double-click the change package session to open it in the session.
  4. Verify that you have resolved all merge conflicts in the Compare Perspective and the Merge Perspective of a change session, and that you have tested your changes to make sure they give the expected results. When the changes in a change session are complete, it can be committed.
  5. Choose VCM Session > Commit Changes .
    Note: If Commit is disabled on the menu or toolbar, check the Compare and Merge Perspectives to make sure all conflicts are resolved, and items with changes are not locked by other users, then try again.
  6. Type a merge session comment in the Commit Changes to View dialog box.
  7. Click OK in the Commit Changes to View dialog box to commit your View Compare/Merge session.

    This causes its updates to be applied to the target view in an atomic transaction. In the same transaction, the change package object is updated with details about updated items. After commit, the change session is closed and can no longer be opened for editing. In its place, the committed change package appears as an object owned by the target view, and can be viewed again in the Change Perspective.

  8. Save your change session using VCM Session > Save , VCM Session > Save to Local , or VCM Session > Export .
    Note: Save saves the session persistently, minimizing the need to save the session as a file. Save to Local saves the session as a .vcms file, and Export saves the session as a .vcmx file.

StarTeam creates a uniquely named change package object in the target view for the change session which contains all the changes made in that VCM change session. It then becomes available in the Change Perspective, where it can later be opened in read-only view, reviewed, have the properties modified, or have the session Replayed which allows you to reuse the change package session to apply the same set of changes to another view. Once a change package is committed, no more changes can be made to it.