Exporting Data

You are limited to exporting 60 columns of data that display in the upper pane. Databases have limitations as well. Verify that the application in which you intend to use the exported data can accept all 60 columns. Exported data can be imported into Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, or other applications.

To export data that can be imported into other applications follow the steps below.

  1. Select a folder from the folder tree or in the upper pane on the Folder tab.

  2. Click a component tab.
    If you are exporting specific items in the upper pane, also select the specific items.
  3. Right-click in the upper pane and choose Advanced > Export from the context menu.
    Note: For the Audit component only, select Export from the context menu.

    This opens the Export dialog box.

  4. Move the fields you want to export from the Available fields list to the Show these fields in this order list.

    Move them in the order you want them presented in the target application.

  5. Specify which items to export in the Export for group.

    You can export selected items or all items in the upper pane.

  6. Select the desired export options in the Options group.
  7. Type a path and filename in the Output file name field, or browse to an existing file to overwrite it.
    Note: Use .txt as the filename extension, or another extension which the target application can import. By default, the file is assigned a .txt extension.
  8. Click OK.
    The export file is generated.
  9. Open the target application and import the exported file.

    Print a report if desired.