View Compare/Merge Status Icons

The status of folders and items in a View Compare/Merge session is represented in the Merge Perspective by icons which are explained in the tables below. Icons appear on or beside folders, items, and on component tabs. Icons change dynamically when conflicts are resolved.

When you hover the mouse cursor over an icon in the upper pane, a menu appears from which you can choose a merge action. Tool tips display for folder icons.

This folder contains compared items that remain unchanged.
This folder contains compared items, some of which have unresolved changes called merge conflicts. Merge conflicts are differences in file contents or property values that require manual intervention.
This folder contains compared items, none of which have unresolved changes. No manual intervention is necessary.
This folder contains no compared items or folders.

The folder icons are displayed in the left pane beside each folder in the hierarchy tree of a View Compare/Merge session in the Merge Perspective. The folder icons in a View Compare/Merge session represent what is in the currently selected component tab in the upper pane. For example, in the situation where you have resolved all the file conflicts in a particular folder, but you still have unresolved change requests in that folder, the following will happen:

No icon
Item is included in the comparison and is unchanged.

Item resolved by View Compare/Merge. You can override the default action with a different action.

Item has differences and is unresolved. You must resolve the differences manually.
Item is not included in the comparison.

Item is changed. This is used in Compare-only.

Item status icons are displayed in the upper pane of the Merge Perspective for each item with differences or conflicts. They are also displayed on each component tab that contains items with differences. Item icons appear in the Merge Status and Merge Action columns, and on individual property columns when properties are in conflict.