View Access Rights

When you select the View > Access Rights command to open the View Access Rights dialog box, the rights shown are for the current view. The rights available from the View node are also available from the View node in the Project Access Rights dialog box. In the latter case, the rights cover all views in the project rather than an individual view. It also include a container-level right that allows users or groups to create views for the project. This right is not available on the View node of the View Access Rights dialog box.

The following table describes the access rights that are available from the View node in the Project Access Rights dialog box. Most of these access rights also appear on the View node of the View Access Rights dialog box, but apply only to the current view.

Generic Object Rights

See object and its properties

Change view properties. View properties that can be modified are the view’s name, description, working folder (also the root folder’s working folder), branch setting for shared items, and file status repository setting.

Modify properties

Modifies the view properties.

Delete object

Deletes the object from the view.

Change object access rights

Changes the access rights of the selected object in the view.

View-Specific Rights

Create view labels

Creates view labels. These labels will be automatically attached to the folders and items in the view. Users with this right but not the right to attach labels can still create labels.

Modify view labels

Changes the properties of view labels. For example, this right allows a user to freeze labels so that they cannot be adjusted

Delete view labels

Deletes view labels. This action automatically detaches the view labels from the folders and items that had the labels. Users with this right but not the right to detach view labels can still delete view labels.

Create revision labels

Creates revision labels. Users with this right but not the right to attach labels can still create labels.

Modify revision labels

Changes the properties of revision labels. For example, this right allows a user to freeze labels so that they cannot be adjusted.

Delete revision labels

Deletes revision labels. This action automatically detaches the labels from the folders and items that had those labels. Users with this right but not the right to detach revision labels can still delete revision labels.

Define promotion model

Creates, deletes, and reorders promotion states and edit their properties. After creating a promotion state, you must exit and reenter the Promotion dialog if you want to set access rights for the newly created state.

Override default types
Overrides default types.

Generic object container rights

Create views

Creates views in the current project. This container-level right is available only when you select the View node from the Project Access Rights dialog.

Override default types

Allows users to override the default set of types included when a new view is created.