File Chart Fields

This table lists the available fields for file charts.

Simple Distribution Correlation Time-series
Content Revision Create charts based on fields currently being grouped. Content Revision Configuration Time
DotNotation ID DotNotation ID Created Time
EOL Character EOL Character Deleted Time
Object ID Object ID File Time Stamp at Check-in
Parent ID Parent ID Modified Time
Parent Branch Revision Parent Branch Revision Sync Local Time Stamp
Parent Revision Parent Revision Working File Time Stamp
Project ID Project ID
Revision Revision
Revision on Disk Revision on Disk
Root Object ID Root Object ID
Size Size
Sync Branch Version Sync Branch Version
Sync Content Version Sync Content Version
Sync Local Size Sync Local Size
Sync on Path to Root Sync on Path to Root
Vault Branch Version Vault Branch Version
Version Version
Working File Size Working File Size