Copying View Labels

Occasionally, you may want to create a view label and attach it to the same item revisions as an existing view label, with a few additions or exceptions. The steps in this procedure explain how to create a view label based on an existing view label. For example, suppose builds are done only after a view has been rolled back to a label and that the build is given the same name as the label. If, in the last build, only one Help file was missing, you would probably change the existing label to include that one file and rebuild. However, if the previous build was already made available to users participating in a field test, using the same label could cause confusion. It would be better to create a new view label as a copy of the older label and then add the missing file to the new label.

Note: You cannot copy a view label unless it already exists in the view in which you are performing this operation. The view configuration must also be current.
  1. Choose View > Labels .
    The Labels dialog box opens.
  2. Click New.
    The View Label dialog box opens.
  3. Type a name and description for the label. The maximum name length is 64 characters and the description length is 254 characters.
  4. Select the Labeled Configuration option to attach the label to item revisions that have an existing label.
  5. Optionally, uncheck Use As Build Label if you do not want this label to be a build label.
    Note: By default all view labels are designated as build labels.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Close.
    The new view label is now attached to the same revisions as the existing label.
  8. Select the items in the upper pane for which the new label must differ.
    Tip: You can also select all items with a specific label. Right-click in the upper pane, choose Select > By Label . When you select the label, all the items attached to that label are automatically selected.
  9. Detach the new label from items that you do not want to include.
  10. Attach the new label to items formerly not included, and/or attach the new label to different revisions of items to which it is already attached.