File Access Rights

When you open the File Access Rights dialog box and select the File node, the rights apply only to the selected file.

File access rights are also available from the Folder Access Rights, View Access Rights, and Project Access Rights dialog boxes. In these cases, the rights cover all files in the selected folder, view, or project rather than an individual file. Only in these cases are the following container-level access rights available:

The following sections describe the access rights that are available from the File nodes in the Project Access Rights, View Access Rights, Folder Access Rights, and File Access Rights dialog boxes.

Generic item rights

See item and its properties

See files in the files list (upper pane) and view file properties by selecting File > Properties .

Modify properties

Change the file properties. Modifiable properties include the archive/file name, description, executable bit setting (useful only for non- Windows platforms), compression, storage options, and custom properties. If used, an alternate property editor (APE) may restrict the properties that can be modified and the users who can modify them still further.

Delete from folder

Delete files from their folders.

Change item access rights

Change access rights for the files. If you change this setting, be sure that you remain one of the users who can change access rights.

See history

See file history in the history pane.

Perform maintenance

Change the revision comments for past revisions.

Set exclusive locks

Lock files exclusively.

Break exclusive locks

Remove someone else’s exclusive lock on the files.

Label rights

Attach/Adjust view labels

Add a view label to the files. Move a view label from one revision to another. This right controls direct manipulation of view labels for the files at the item level. This right does not stop users from attaching a view label to the files when a view label is created.

Detach view label

Remove a view label from the files. Be aware that if users can delete view labels, they can detach a view label from the files by deleting the view label from the view, regardless of the setting of this right.

Attach/Adjust revision labels

Add a revision label to the files. Move a revision label from one revision to another. This right controls direct manipulation of revision labels for the files at the item level. It can stop users from checking in files with an attached revision label.

Detach revision labels

Remove a revision label from the files. Be aware that if users can delete revision labels, they can detach a revision label from the files by deleting the revision label from the view, regardless of the setting of this right.

Link rights

See links

See the links created for the files.

Create links

Link the files to other items.

Modify links

Change a link to the files.

Delete link

Delete a link that affects the files.

File-specific rights

Check in file

Check in the files.

Check out file

Check out the files.

Generic item container rights

Add file to folder

Add files to a folder, view, or project if its File Access Rights dialog box has this option. This right appears only on the File Access Rights dialog boxes associated with a folder, view, or project.

Share/Move out of folder

Share files or move files that reside in a folder, view, or project if its File Access Rights dialog box has this option. This right appears only on the File Access Rights dialog boxes associated with a folder, view, or project. Be aware that the access rights set for any file that is moved or shared go with that file into the new folder.

Change behavior or configuration

Change the branching ability and configuration of files that reside in a folder, view, or project if its File Access Rights dialog box has this option. This right appears only on the File Access Rights dialog boxes associated with a folder, view, or project.