Export Dialog Box Options

To specify export options, open the Export dialog box. Right-click in the upper pane and choose Advanced > Export .

Use the Export dialog box to export date in the upper pane to a text-delimited file for import into other applications, such as spreadsheets and database applications. Below are the fields and options in the Export dialog box.

Available Fields
Lists all the fields displayed as columns in the upper pane which are available for export. You are limited to displaying 60 columns in the upper pane, and therefore, are limited to exporting 60 columns of data. The target application must be able to import the number of fields you are exporting.
Advanced Fields
Displays the advanced fields in the Available Fields list.
Show These Fields In This Order
Lists the fields you selected for export. The fields will be exported in the order they appear in this list.
Current Selection
Specifies that the export should only include the items currently selected in the upper pane on the active component tab .
All Items

Specifies that the export should include all the items in the upper pane on the active component tab.

Export Field Names
Includes the column header fields for the report.
Replace Embedded Carriage Returns With Spaces
Exports the data without embedded carriage returns/line feeds.
Text Qualifier
Specifies the text qualifier to use at the beginning and end of text fields for preventing the special treatment of carriage returns/line feeds and other special characters that occur in HTML output.
Specifies the character to use to separate the data fields in the exported text file. You may enter a custom delimiter or choose from the predefined list.

Specifies the encoding to use for the exported data.

Output File Name
Specifies the location and name of the output text file. The file must have a .txt extension, or another extension the target application will import. The default extension is .txt.