Link Tab

The Link tab displays all the links associated with an item selected in the upper pane. Radio buttons also let you specify whether to show all types of links, or just the enhanced process links.

Each link has two ends: a source and a target. The source is the item selected from the upper pane or from the folder hierarchy (if you are viewing the Link tab of the Folder Properties dialog). Each row on the Link tab defines a link that has the source item or folder as one of its ends. Columns in the link list identify the other end of the link for you.

The following contains the columns provided in the Link tab. These columns also appear on the Link tab of the Folder Properties dialog. (The Folder Properties dialog has no Link tab if you do not have the access rights that allow you to view links.)

Created By
The name of the user who created the link.
Created On
The date/time the link was created.
The type of link that was created. For example: Manual or Copy.

The assumption is that you want to locate items in the current view whenever possible, so the view field contains one of the following:

  • The name of the current view if the link was created in the current view, or if the link was created in another view but a shared copy of the item (to which the current item is linked) exists in the current view.
  • The name of the view containing the link. If the view is a reference view, this is the name of the parent view.
The name of the folder in which the folder or item in the link list resides.
Item Type
Identifies the type of item the target end of the link is attached to. This item is the one listed in the link list. The values that can appear in this column are Folder, File, Change Request, Requirement, Task, and Topic.
Identifies the item that the target end of the link is attached to by its folder name, filename, change request number, task number, and so on.
Item Details
Describes the item, using a folder description, file description, change request synopsis, requirement name, task name, or topic title.
Item Version
When the ends of a link are pinned to specific revisions of the folders or items, those revisions appear in the Item Version and the Selection Version columns of the link list (if that revision is in the current view).
Selection Version

The Item Version displays the version number of the target end of the link if that revision is in the current view.

The Selection Version displays the revision number of the source end of the link. The source is either the folder selected from the folder hierarchy (when viewing a link for a folder) or the item selected from the upper pane (when viewing the link for an item).

When no revision number is in the column, that end of the link is floating rather than pinned.

From the Link Properties dialog box, you can enter a comment about this particular link. That comment appears in this column.
From the Link Properties dialog box, you can enter a description about this particular link. That description appears in this column.
File Status
Displays the status of the file based on the operations performed on the file.
Locked By
If the file is locked, the column displays the name of the user who has locked the file.
Folder Path
Shows folder path information only when the linked item is in the same view. Otherwise, displays the following message: Unavailable. Item in another view.