Data Export with Datamart

StarTeam Datamart is a complementary product to StarTeam Server. StarTeam Datamart uses the StarTeam SDK to communicate with StarTeam Server to create a reporting database that you can use with popular third party reporting applications such as Crystal Reports and Business Objects (reporting applications are not included with StarTeam Datamart ).

StarTeam Datamart extracts data from a StarTeam server and places the data into a relational database, where reporting tools can access it. The data is stored in meaningful text instead of IDs.

StarTeam Datamart can extract information from every project, every view in each project, every folder in each view, and every item in each folder, as well as labels, links, and history for each item. You can restrict the extracting to a particular project and view, and also restrict to extract only for certain tables.

A sample Business Objects universe and sample reports in both Business Objects and Crystal Reports formats are included. These samples can be used as a basis for creating custom user defined reports.

Datamart Extractor
Extracts the data from a StarTeam Server and puts the data into a relational database. For StarTeam administrator use.
Datamart Synchronizer
Opens the universe and synchronizes the data to reflect any field changes. For StarTeam administrator use.
Note: The Synchronizer and Viewer work with Business Objects 6.1 universes and reports. The Viewer also works with Crystal Reports 10 reports. You can view StarTeam Datamart reports with the Crystal Reports Viewer.