Customizing Classic Report Templates

You can customize Classic report templates. They are located in the folder you designated during installation. If you used the default path during installation, the Reports folder is c:\Program Files\Micro Focus\StarTeam Cross-Platform Client <version>\samples\details-templates\. Note that different clients and client installations on different operating systems will probably have different installation folders. You may need to put templates in more than one location. All the templates are in HTML format.

While creating custom templates, keep these things in mind:
  • A report typically consists of multiple template files, each using the naming convention <ComponentReportname.Purpose>. For example, the Default report provided for the Change Request component has five template files: ChangeDefault.Name, ChangeDefault.Title, ChangeDefault.GrpInfo, ChangeDefault.Group1, and ChangeDefault.EndReport.
  • A double tilde (~~) precedes and follows field names in reports. For example, in the ChangeDefault.Title and other “Title” template files, the field name ~~ReportTitle~~ is used.
  1. From the Reports folder, copy all report template files with the same root name to the Reports folder using a different root name.

    For example, if the Default report for the file component is the most similar to the new report you want to create, copy all FileDefault.x template files using a name like FileMYREPORT.x. In this case, you would create new files named FileMYREPORT.Name, FileMYREPORT.Title, and so on. In the Cross-Platform Client, the new report would appear in the Report dialog box with the name MYREPORT, along with the original Default report.

  2. Open and edit the new report template files in any text editor or HTML editor.
    Tip: A simple and easy method of creating and editing templates is to use Microsoft Word 97 or later, which includes automated HTML file generation.
  3. Save the report templates you edited.