Configuring Projects to Create Workspace Change Packages

The StarTeam Server must be configured for Workspace Change Packages. In the starteam-server-configs.xml, set CheckinChangePackages to 0 or 1. 0 disables the feature and 1 enables the feature. Disabling or enabling will affect the behavior of the option in the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client Project Properties option dialog box.
If the feature is enabled (the default), then Change Packages are created when files are checked in, folders are created, and etc.
  1. Click Project > Properties The Project Properties dialog opens.
  2. Click the Options tab.
  3. Check Create Workspace Change Packages. If CheckinChangePackages is enabled at the StarTeam Server level, this checkbox is disabled. You can still choose the options below.
    OptionOptionOption DescriptionDescriptionDescription
    EnableEnableEnable Activates automatically creating Change Packages. Activates automatically creating Change Packages. Activates automatically creating Change Packages.
    EnforceEnforceEnforce Server verifies that files and folders are checked in or created in a transaction, then creates Change Packages. Server verifies that files and folders are checked in or created in a transaction, then creates Change Packages. Server verifies that files and folders are checked in or created in a transaction, then creates Change Packages.
    DisableDisableDisable Deactivates automatically creating Change Packages.Deactivates automatically creating Change Packages.Deactivates automatically creating Change Packages.