Identifying Rolled Back Items

  1. Right-click the column headers in the upper pane and choose Show Fields.
  2. Select the Configuration Time field in the Available Fields list and click Add. This displays the Configuration Time column the upper pane.
  3. Sort based on the Configuration Time column, because only items with configuration times in the past have any values in this field. If the Configuration Time matches the time for a view label, the item may be configured to that view label or to a promotion state based on that view label. Other fields that may be of interest are:
    Branch On Change
    Uses a Yes or No value to indicate whether a file will branch when it changes. If Branch On Change is No and Configuration Time has a value, the item is frozen (read-only).
    Branch State
    Indicates whether an item has branched in the child view, is still unbranched and part of the parent view, or is in the root view for the project and, therefore cannot be branched. Its values are Branched, Not Branched, and Root.