Build View: Read-Only Windows for Build Scripts

Many StarTeam customers create build applications using simple build tools (for example: make, nmake), a commercial build product, or open source components (for example: Ant, CruiseControl). It is easy to integrate these tools with StarTeam due to the availability of its full-featured SDK and the availability of pre-built components such as StarTeam Ant tasks and a CruiseControl “bootstrapper” plugin for StarTeam. Build applications typically open a view, specify a snapshot configuration (timestamp, view label, or promotion state), and then check out the files they need.

In some cases, however, an organization may want to restrict the access of the build tool (or user) in comparison to the permissions other users have to the view. For example, you may want to guarantee that (a) the build tool can see only artifacts required by the build (and not design documents or other artifacts), and (b) the build tool has read-only access and cannot modify anything.

This situation could be handled through folder- or artifact-level security rights. However, this situation occurs often enough that some customers have found it useful to create a view tailored to the needs of the build tool. Such a build view is often created as a read-only reference view based on a promotion state. The reference view may be rooted at a non-root folder of the parent view. Consequently, a limited set of artifacts are exposed, which cannot be modified. Whenever the promotion state is assigned to a new view label, the new artifact revisions automatically “appear” in the build view. That is, the build view follows changes to the promotion state.

Because security is easier to administer at the view level, a build view is often a more efficient way to accommodate build applications.