Opening a URL

  1. Choose Project > Open StarTeam URL.
  2. Type a valid URL to a project, view, folder, or item in the Open StarTeam URL dialog box. For example: starteam:/hostname:49201/myproject.
    • If the URL is a reference to a project, the default view of the project opens.
    • If the URL is a reference to a view or folder, then the view or folder opens.
    • If the URL is a reference to an item, the item's view opens, the item's parent folder is selected in the folder tree, the item type is selected, and the item itself is selected in the item list or tree on the upper pane.
  3. Optional: Clear the Open URL in new window check box if you want the view to open in the same window you have open.
    Note: On the Workspace tab in Tools > Personal Options, you can define the default setting for the way a view displays in your workspace when you open a link to a StarTeam URL.
  4. Click OK.