Using Embedded Property Editors

  1. Click the STARTEAM-45BE3AEE-USEEMBEDDEDEDITORICON-low.jpg Use Embedded Editor button. The persistent default display mode for the selected item type will now be embedded editors instead of property editor dialogs.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Double-click the item.
    • Right-click the item and select Properties from the shortcut menu.

Each item opened in an embedded editor is displayed as a tab in the Embedded Editor pane below the Items pane. Each tab represents a unique item (and version) of the same or different Item type. You can view multiple versions of the same Item as well as Items of different types in the same Embedded Editor pane.

Once an embedded editor is open, use the STARTEAM-99F4E52B-DETAILSDISPLAYICON-low.jpg Details Display and STARTEAM-B560C70B-EMBEDDEDEDITORDISPLAYICON-low.jpg Embedded Editor Display icons to toggle back and forth between the Details pane and the Embedded Editor pane.

When an item is edited, asterisks will appear in the title bar and tab of the item's embedded property editor to indicate there are unsaved changes. On the right side of the title bar, all of the toolbar icons will also be enabled (the Close andClose All icons are always enabled). Each item's embedded property editor toolbar contains the following icons:

The Compare Properties icon is enabled when there are unsaved changes to the item displayed in the embedded property editor. Click the icon to view the Compare Properties dialog and review changes made to the item during the current session. The original and new values for edited fields are displayed in bold type. Note that this icon is currently not available for an embedded APE editor.
The Save and Close icon is enabled when there are unsaved changes to the item displayed in the embedded property editor. Click the icon to save the changes to the Item and close the item's embedded editor tab.
The Apply icon is enabled when there are unsaved changes to the item displayed in the embedded property editor. Click the icon to save the changes to the Item and leave the item's embedded editor tab open.
The Reset icon enabled when there are unsaved changes to the item displayed in the embedded property editor. Click the icon to discard changes made to the item during the current session and leave the item's embedded editor tab open.
The Close icon is always enabled. Click this icon to close the item displayed in the embedded property editor. You will be prompted to save any changes to the item. You can also click the X on the tab to close the item.
The Close All icon is always enabled. Click this icon to close all open embedded editors. You will be prompted to individually save each item that has unsaved changes.