Working with Automation Steps
This section lists the topics that explain how to use automation steps within visual tests.
Creating Automation Test Steps Without Recording
Provides an overview of creating automation test steps and inserting them into a visual test.
Creating a Control Automation Step Using a Test Application
Identify a visible control in the application under test to create a control automation step against the control.
Creating a Control Automation Step Using the Screen Preview
Use the screen preview dialog box to create a control automation step against a control from the screen preview, for example if you have no access to the actual application under test.
Creating a Control Automation Step Using the Identify Object Dialog
Use the
Identify Object
dialog box to create a control automation step against a non-visible control from the application under test.
Using Control Property Data in a Visual Test
Use property values of any control in a test application as data in a visual test.
Screen Preview and Step Synchronization in Visual Tests
Provides an overview of how application snapshots and steps are captured and synchronized.
Updating Captured Screens for a Screen Test Step
Lists the methods available for updating screen test steps.
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Enhancing Visual Tests