Scripts record the actions at an object level that you use to test an application. These actions include making menu selections,
typing data, clicking icons, and verifying results. Maintaining test procedures in scripts has several advantages:
- Scripts enable power and flexibility because they are highly extensible. Users can develop highly complex solutions for complex
test cases with the power of .NET scripting.
- With scripts, users can leverage the functionality provided by external assemblies to enhance the functionality available
within scripts.
- Developers and testers share a common scripting language, VB.NET.
- If the test application changes, scripts do not have to be rewritten from scratch.
- New test procedures can easily be built by copying and modifying existing scripts.
- Scripts facilitate a modular approach to testing and are highly re-useable. Scripts can call other scripts or functions.
- Scripts can "loop" to test a process over and over.
- Scripts provide quick building of intelligent tests that verify expected results and handle unexpected situations.
- Scripts can document test processes.
- Scripts can be built before the test application is complete.