The class indicates the type, or kind, of GUI object being declared.
The class also defines methods (actions) and properties (data) that are inherited by the GUI object. For example, if you record a declaration for a pushbutton named OK, a test case can legally use a method like Click on the pushbutton because the Click method is defined at the class level. In other words, the definition of what it means to click on a pushbutton is included within the definition of the 4Test class itself, and this definition is inherited by each pushbutton in the GUI. If this were not true, you would have to define within each GUI object’s window declaration all the methods you wanted to use on that object.
The one exception is that if the recorded class is CustomWin, meaning that Silk Test Classic does not recognize the object. You can, when appropriate, map the class to one that is recognized.
Enable an application to perform functions specific to the application and to enhance standard class functionality. Custom classes are also easy to maintain and can be extended easily by developers. All custom objects default to the built-in class, CustomWin.
Custom objects fall into two general categories: