Setting Synchronization Options

Specify the synchronization and timeout values.
Note: All the following settings are optional. Change these settings if they will improve the quality of your test methods.
  1. Click Silk4NET > Edit Options. The Script Options dialog box opens.
  2. Click the Synchronization tab.
  3. To specify the synchronization algorithm for the ready state of a web application, from the OPT_XBROWSER_SYNC_MODE list box, choose an option. The synchronization algorithm configures the waiting period for the ready state of an invoke call. By default, this value is set to AJAX.
  4. In the Synchronization exclude list text box, type the entire URL or a fragment of the URL for any service or web page that you want to exclude.

    Some AJAX frameworks or browser applications use special HTTP requests, which are permanently open in order to retrieve asynchronous data from the server. These requests may let the synchronization hang until the specified synchronization timeout expires. To prevent this situation, either use the HTML synchronization mode or specify the URL of the problematic request in the Synchronization exclude list setting.

    For example, if your web application uses a widget that displays the server time by polling data from the client, permanent traffic is sent to the server for this widget. To exclude this service from the synchronization, determine what the service URL is and enter it in the exclusion list. For example, you might type:
    • timeService
    • UICallBackServiceHandler
    Separate multiple entries with a comma.
    Note: If your application uses only one service, and you want to disable that service for testing, you must use the HTML synchronization mode rather than adding the service URL to the exclusion list.
    Tip: Micro Focus recommends adding a substring of an URL to the exclude list, instead of the entire URL. For example, add /syncsample to the exclude list instead of Excluding the entire URL might not work because the browser might return only a relative URL to Silk4NET. For example, if the browser returns only /syncsample/timeService and you have added to the exclude list, Silk4NET does not exclude the returned URL.
  5. To specify the maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait for an object to be ready, type a value in the OPT_SYNC_TIMEOUT text box. By default, this value is set to 300000.
  6. To specify the time, in milliseconds, to wait for an object to be resolved during replay, type a value in the OPT_WAIT_RESOLVE_OBJDEF text box. By default, this value is set to 5000.
  7. To specify the time, in milliseconds, to wait before the agent attempts to resolve an object again, type a value in the OPT_WAIT_RESOLVE_OBJDEF_RETRY text box. By default, this value is set to 500.
  8. Click OK.