ComboBox Class The class for controls that have both a popup list and a text field. If the user selects an item from the list, the text field
is filled with that string. Alternatively, the user can type the string into the text field.
Control Class The class for any control in a window.
SystemFunctions Class Allows clients to perform operations on the remote Open Agent host.
Desktop Class Desktop is the class for the entire screen.
Group Class The class used to combine controls to give the user visual hints that those controls belong together. Consequently, the Group
control does not have any other functionality that can be expressed in methods.
IKeyable Interface Interface for objects that use keystrokes. All methods and properties in this interface are not supported for mobile Web applications.
PushToolItem Class The class for a pushbutton element in a toolbar control.
RadioList Class The class for a group of radio buttons, such as the two radio buttons used to specify direction in the Find dialog of the
Text Editor application. Only one button in a radio list can be selected at a single time.
RadioListToolItem Class RadioListToolItem is the class for a radio button element in a toolbar control.
TextField Class The class for single-line and multi-line fields whose text can be modified by the user. The class also supports the Windows
RichEdit control.
ToggleButton Class The class for buttons that have a state that can be changed by selecting the button.
ToolBar Class The class for tool bar controls. A tool bar is a container for a set of buttons and other standard controls.
ToolItem Class The class for a tool item in a toolbar control.
Tree Class The class for items organized into graphical hierarchies.