Windows Forms Class Reference
Lists the available classes for testing Windows Forms controls.
CheckedListBox Class
CheckedListBox represents list boxes that contain a check box.
DataGrid Class
The class for datagrids and data grid view.
DataGridColumn Class
The class for columns in a table.
DataGridItem Class
The class for datagrids and data grid view rows.
DataGridRow Class
The class for rows in a table.
DomainUpDown Class
The class for up/down controls.
ElementHost Class
A Windows Forms control that can be used to host a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) element.
FormsHost Class
An element that allows you to host a Windows Forms control on a WPF page.
FormsWindow Class
FormsWindow is the class that represents the top-level window of a Windows Forms application.
MenuStrip Class
MenuStrip is the class that creates a new menu strip for a Windows Forms application.
NumericUpDown Class
The class for numeric up/down controls.
Parent topic:
Silk Test Workbench Language Reference
Related reference
Windows Forms Class Reference