WPFDatePicker Class Represents a control that allows the user to select a date.
WPFDocumentViewer Class Represents a document viewing control that can host paginated FixedDocument content such as an XpsDocument.
WPFDocumentViewerBase Class Provides a base class for viewers that are intended to display fixed or flow content (represented by a FixedDocument or FlowDocument,
WPFDrawingVisual Class DrawingVisual is a visual object that can be used to render vector graphics on the screen. The content is persisted by the
WPFExpander Class Represents the control that displays a header that has a collapsible window that displays content.
WPFFlowDocumentPageViewer Class Represents a control for viewing flow content in a fixed viewing mode that shows content one page at a time.
WPFTrack Class Represents a control primitive that handles the positioning and sizing of a Thumb control and two RepeatButton controls that
are used to set a Value.
WPFTreeView Class Represents a control that displays hierarchical data in a tree structure that has items that can expand and collapse.
WPFVisual3D Class Provides services and properties common to visual 3-D objects, including hit-testing, coordinate transformation, and bounding
box calculations.
WPFWindow Class Provides the ability to create, configure, show, and manage the lifetime of windows and dialog boxes.