SystemFunctions Class


Allows clients to perform operations on the machine on which the Open Agent is hosted.



public class SystemFunctions


Public Class SystemFunctions _


Name Description
AgentDirectory Gets the directory in which the Open Agent is hosted.
AgentVersion Gets the version of the Open Agent.
ClipboardText Gets or sets the text in the clipboard.
CurrentDrive Gets or sets the current drive.
CurrentRegistryView Gets or sets the current registry view.
CurrentWorkingDirectory Gets or sets the current working directory of the Open Agent.
CursorPosition Gets the current cursor position.
CursorType Gets the current cursor type.
FreeMemory Gets the percentage of free memory that is available.
HostName Gets the hostname of the machine on which the Open Agent is hosted.
Locale Gets the locale of the machine on which the Open Agent is hosted, for example en-US.
OSName Gets the name of the operating system of the machine on which the Open Agent is hosted.
OSVersionType Gets the version type, server or client, of the operating system of the machine on which the Open Agent is hosted.
OSVersion Gets the major and minor version of the operating system of the machine on which the Open Agent is hosted.


Name Description
CompareBinaryFiles Performs a binary comparison on two files.
CompareBitmaps Compares two bitmaps.
CompareTextFiles Compares two text files lexicographically.
CopyFile Copies a file.
CreateDirectory Creates a new directory with the specified name.
CreateRegistryKey Creates a new key in the registry. Recursively creates any missing registry keys in the given keyPath.
CreateRegistryValue Creates a new value.
DeleteRegistryKey Deletes a key from the registry.
DeleteRegistryValue Deletes a value.
DirectoryExists Checks whether the specified directory exists.
Execute Executes the specified command on the machine on which the Open Agent is hosted.
ExistsRegistryKey Checks whether the specified key exists in the registry.
ExistsRegistryValue Checks if a value exists in the registry.
FileExists Checks whether the specified file exists.
FileOpen Opens a file. If the file does not exist, it is created.
FileReadLine Reads a single line from a file. Starts at the current position of the pointer in the file.
FileSetPointer Sets the position pointer within the file for read and write operations.
FileWriteLine Writes a line at the current position of the pointer in a file.
GetBitmapCRC Returns the CRC value of a bitmap file.
GetDirectoryContents Gets the contents of a directory.
GetEnvironmentVariable Gets the value of the specified environment variable.
GetFileInfo Gets information about the specified file.
GetFreeDiskSpace Returns how much free disk space is available on the specified drive.
GetRegistryKeyNames Returns the names of all registry keys below the specified key.
GetRegistryValueNames Returns the values of all registry keys below the specified key.
GetRegistryValue Returns the value of the specified registry key.
MoveFile Moves a file.
RemoveDirectory Deletes the specified directory.
RemoveFile Deletes the specified file.
SetEnvironmentVariable Sets the value of the specified environment variable.
SetRegistryValue Sets the value of the specified registry key.