Silk4J User Guide
Welcome to Silk4J 21.0
Licensing Information
What's New in Silk4J
Silk4J Quick Start Tutorial
Working with Silk4J Projects
Creating Tests
Replaying Tests
Analyzing Test Results
Silk Test Open Agent
Base State
Application Configuration
Setting Script Options
Setting Silk4J Preferences
Converting Projects to and from Silk4J
Testing Specific Environments
Active X/Visual Basic Applications
Apache Flex Support
Configuring Flex Applications to Run in Adobe Flash Player
Launching the Component Explorer
Testing Apache Flex Applications
Testing Apache Flex Custom Controls
Customizing Apache Flex Scripts
Testing Multiple Flex Applications on the Same Web Page
Adobe AIR Support
Overview of the Flex Select Method Using Name or Index
Selecting an Item in the FlexDataGrid Control
Enabling Your Flex Application for Testing
Styles in Apache Flex Applications
Configuring Flex Applications for Adobe Flash Player Security Restrictions
Attributes for Apache Flex Applications
Why Cannot Silk4J Recognize Apache Flex Controls?
Java AWT/Swing Support
Java SWT and Eclipse RCP Support
Testing Mobile Applications
Recording Mobile Applications
Selecting the Mobile Device for Test Replay
Using Devices from UFT Mobile Directly from Silk4J
Using Devices from UFT Mobile through Silk Central
Installing the Certificate for an HTTPS Connection to UFT Mobile
Changing the UFT Mobile Password
Using SauceLabs Devices
Connection String for a Mobile Device
Interacting with a Mobile Device
Releasing a Mobile Device
Using the setLocation Method when Testing a Mobile Application
Troubleshooting when Testing Mobile Applications
Limitations for Testing Mobile Web Applications
Limitations for Testing Native Mobile Applications
Dynamically Invoking Methods for Native Mobile Apps
Clicking on Objects in a Mobile Website
Using Existing Mobile Web Tests
.NET Support
Rumba Support
SAP Support
Universal Windows Platform Support
Windows API-Based Application Support
Cross-Browser Testing
Selecting the Browser for Test Replay
Test Objects for xBrowser
Object Recognition for xBrowser Objects
Page Synchronization for xBrowser
Comparing API Playback and Native Playback for xBrowser
Setting Mouse Move Preferences
Browser Configuration Settings for xBrowser
Configuring the Locator Generator for xBrowser
Connection String for a Remote Desktop Browser
Testing Browsers on a Remote Windows Machine
Testing Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox on a Mac
Setting Capabilities for WebDriver-Based Browsers
Testing with Apple Safari on a Mac
Testing with Google Chrome
Testing with Mozilla Firefox
Testing with Microsoft Edge
Responsive Web Design Testing
Detecting Visual Breakpoints
Improving iframe Performance
Testing Additional Browser Versions
Cross-Browser Testing: Frequently Asked Questions
Starting a Browser from a Script
Finding Hidden Input Fields
Attributes for Web Applications
Custom Attributes for Web Applications
Limitations for Testing on Microsoft Windows 8 and Microsoft Windows 8.1
Supported Attribute Types
Keyword-Driven Tests
Object Recognition
Object Maps
Image Recognition Support
Enhancing Tests
Recording Additional Actions Into an Existing Test
Calling Windows DLLs
Custom Controls
Improving Object Recognition with Microsoft Accessibility
Overview of Silk4J Support of Unicode Content
Microsoft UI Automation
Text Recognition Support
Service Virtualization
Grouping Silk4J Tests
Inserting a Result Comment in a Script
Consuming Parameters from Silk Central
Configuration Testing with Silk Central Connect
Measuring Execution Time
Slowing Down Tests
Testing Applications in Multiple UI Sessions on a Single Machine
Encrypting Passwords
Using Selenium WebDriver
Using Keyword-Driven Tests as Performance Tests
Known Issues
Enabling or Disabling Usage Data Collection
Contacting Micro Focus