List/Array/Set Constructor Operator Describes how you can use the list constructor operator to specify the elements of a list, array, or a set.
Logical Operators Explains that logical operators perform and, or, and not operations.
Machine Handle Operator Lets you specify the target machine for a function to be executed by the Agent in a distributed testing environment.
Member-of Operator Use the member-of operator (.) to separate parts of fully qualified object names, separate method names from object names
in method calls, get and set properties of objects, and refer to fields in records
Reference Operator Lets you refer to functions and variables indirectly, by name.
Relational Operators Compares the first operand to the second, to test the condition that the operator specifies.
Set Operator Use the set operator (in) to test whether an expression evaluates to a member of a specified set.
Scope Resolution Operator Describes the situations where you use the scope resolution (::) operator.
Shorthand Assignment Syntax Lists the assignment operators, where an arithmetic operator is combined with the "equals" sign.
Type Cast Operator Use the type cast operator to perform explicit type conversions.