This functionality is supported only if you are using the Classic Agent. For additional information, refer to the Silk Test Classic Classic Agent Help.
The Other tab is available on the Agent Options dialog box and contains the following options:
Specifies an integer representing the number of pixels allowed for a tolerance when a resized window does not end at the specified size. For some windows and GUIs, you can’t always resize the window to the particular size specified. If the ending size is not exactly what was specified and the difference between the expected and actual sizes is greater than the tolerance, Silk Test Classic raises an exception. Windows cannot be sized smaller than will fit comfortably with the title bar. Default is 0 pixels.
Specifies an integer representing the number of pixels allowed for a tolerance when a moved window does not end up at the specified position. For some windows and GUIs, you can’t always move the window to the particular pixel specified. If the ending position is not exactly what was specified and the difference between the expected and actual positions is greater than the tolerance, Silk Test Classic raises an exception.
The tolerance can be set through the Control Panel, by setting the desktop window granularity option. If the granularity is zero, you can place a window at any pixel location. If the granularity is greater than zero, the desktop is split into a grid of the specified pixels in width, determining where a window can be placed. In general, the tolerance should be greater than or equal to the granularity. Default is 0 pixels.
We strongly recommend that you keep the default settings for Show windows which are out of view and Automatically scroll windows into view. If you do change the values, save them in a custom options set.
When you set an option, this field displays the 4Test statement that represents the selected option. For example, if you set the Window timeout to 5 seconds on the Timing tab, the following 4Test statement displays:
The statement uses the SetOption method to operate on the agent object. OPT_WINDOW_TIMEOUT is the internal 4Test name of the Window Timeout option and 5 is the current, default value of the option, five seconds.
This code is useful if you want to set a local value for a given agent. You can type or change the code yourself, then click the Copy to Clipboard button to copy the statement to the clipboard.