This functionality is supported only if you are using the Open Agent.
When a locator is constructed, the attribute type is automatically assigned based on the technology domain that your application
uses. The attribute type and value determines how the locator identifies objects within your tests.
Silk Test Classic supports the following locator attributes for xBrowser controls:
- caption
- Supports wildcards
? and
- all DOM attributes
- Supports wildcards
? and
Note: Attribute names are case sensitive. Attribute values are by default case insensitive, but you can change the default setting
like any other option. The locator attributes support the wildcards
? and
Note: Whitespace, which includes spaces, carriage returns, line feeds, and tabs, is handled differently by each browser. As a result,
textContents and
innerText attributes have been normalized. Whitespace is skipped or replaced by a single space if an empty space is followed by another
empty space. The matching of such values is normalized also. In
Silk Test 14.0 or later, whitespace in texts, which are retrieved through the
textContents property of an element, is trimmed consistently across all supported browsers. For some browser versions, this whitespace
handling differs to
Silk Test versions prior to
Silk Test 13.5. You can re-enable the old behavior by setting the
OPT_COMPATIBILITY option to a version lower than 13.5.0.
<a>abc abc</a>
Uses the following locator:
//A[@innerText='abc abc']