List Manipulation
Includes functions for list manipulation.
ListAppend Function
Adds an item to the end of a list.
ListCount Function
Returns the number of items in a list.
ListDelete Function
Deletes an item from a list.
ListFind Function
Finds an item in a list.
ListInsert Function
Inserts a new item into a list at any position.
ListMerge Function
Merges two lists.
ListPrint Function
Prints a list to the results file.
ListRead Function
Reads a list from a file into a list variable.
ListSort Function
Sorts a list based on the type of data it contains and replaces the original list with the sorted list.
ListWrite Function
Writes the contents of a list to a newly created file or overwrites the contents of an existing file.
SYS_ListRead Function
Reads a list from a file on a target machine into a list variable.
SYS_ListWrite Function
Writes the contents of a list to a file on a target machine.
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Related reference
LIST Data Type