Examples of Documenting User-Defined Methods

This topic contains examples of adding user-defined methods, properties, and functions to the Library Browser.

class:     DialogBox
#** custom method
method:    VerifyNumChild (iExpectedNum)
parameter: iExpectedNum: The expected number of child objects (INTEGER).
notes:     Verifies the number of child objects in a dialog box.

Documenting user-defined properties: Add the property descriptions to the appropriate class section in 4test.txt, such as:
class:    DialogBox

#** custom property
property: iNumChild
notes:    The number of child objects in the dialog box.

Documenting user-defined functions: Create a group called User-defined functions and document your functions, such as:
group:     User-defined functions

function:  FileOpen (sFileName)
parameter: sFileName = "myFile": The name of the file to open.
notes:     Opens a file from the application.

function:  FileSave (sFileName)
parameter: sFileName = "myFile": The name of the file to save.
notes:     Saves a file from the application.