Passing Arguments to a Script

You can pass arguments to a script. For example, you might want to pass in the number of iterations to perform or the name of a data file.

Arguments in 4Test are declared in the following two ways:
  • Explicitly, as a list of arguments for a test case. Only the test case has access to an explicit argument, not the entire script. For example:
    testcase MyTest1(STRING arg1, STRING arg2)
      Print("{arg1} {arg2}")
  • Implicitly, by using the GetArgs method inside a function or test case. GetArgs returns a list of strings with each string being one of the passed arguments. All functions and test cases in the script have access to these implicit arguments by calling GetArgs. For example:
    testcase MyTest2()
      LIST OF STRING args = GetArgs()

All arguments are passed in as strings, separated by spaces, such as: Bob Emily Craig

If an argument is more than one word, enclose it with quotation marks. For example, the following passes in three arguments: "Bob H" "Emily M" "Craig J"

You can specify arguments explicitly in one of the following ways:
  • In the Arguments field in the Run Test Case dialog box.
  • In Silk Central. Select the Properties tab of a Silk Test Classic test and specify the arguments by adding the Test data property with the arguments to the Test Properties section.
  • When you invoke Silk Test Classic from the command line.
You can specify arguments implicitly in one of the following ways:
  • In the Arguments field in the Runtime Options dialog box. To open the dialog box, click Options > Runtime in the menu bar.
  • After a script name in a suite file, for example find.t arg1 arg2.
  • When you invoke Silk Test Classic from the command line.
Note: If you pass arguments in the command line, the arguments provided in the command line are used and any arguments specified in the currently loaded options set are not used. To use the arguments in the currently loaded options set, do not specify arguments in the command line.

Example: Implicitly passed arguments

The following test case prints a list of all the implicitly passed arguments:

testcase ProcessArgs ( )
lsArgs = GetArgs ( ) 
ListPrint (lsArgs) 

//You can also process the arguments individually. The following test case prints the second argument passed:
testcase ProcessSecondArg ( )
lsArgs = GetArgs ( ) 
Print (lsArgs[2]) 

//The following testcase adds the first two arguments:
testcase AddArgs ()
lsArgs = GetArgs ( ) 
nArgSum = Val (lsArgs[1]) + Val (lsArgs[2]) 
Print (nArgSum) 

You can use the Val function to convert the arguments, which are always passed as strings, into numbers.

When the arguments script 10 20 30 are passed to the scr_args.t script, the test result is:

Script scr_args.t (10, 20, 30) - Passed
Passed:  1 test (100%)
Failed:  0 tests (0%)
Totals:  1 test, 0 errors, 0 warnings

Testcase AddArgs - Passed