New Property Set Dialog Box

This functionality is supported only if you are using the Classic Agent. For additional information, refer to the Silk Test Classic Classic Agent Help.

Use the New Property Set dialog box to create property sets, which are used to verify properties in test cases. Use the Edit Property Set dialog box to modify and delete property sets.

To access the New Property Set dialog box, click Options > Property Sets > New or click Define on the Verify Window dialog box.

To access the Edit Property Set dialog box, click Options > Property Sets > Edit.

The dialog boxes contain the following items:
Type the name of the property set you want to create. Property set names are not case sensitive and they can be any length and consist of any combination of alphanumeric characters and underscore characters.
List of property sets
Displays existing property sets. This list changes, depending on whether you are adding new property sets or editing them.
Type the name of the property set’s class. The name of the class is not validated, so be sure to type carefully. Invalid names are ignored at runtime.
Type the property of the class you have just identified.
Click to add the class/property pair to the list.
Click after selecting a class/property set you want to edit.
Click after selecting a class/property set you want to delete.