
cs.inc is an automatically included file that contains functions used only in the multi-application environment. The following functions provide a recovery system for managing automated testing of client/server applications:
Sets an application state for each connected machine, if the "AppState" machine data lists one; if not, it calls the DefaultBaseState function, which sets the application to its main window.
Sets the application to the lowest state in the application state hierarchy for each connected machine, if the "AppState" machine data lists an application state. The lowest application state is one in which the appstate declaration did not use the basedon keyword. If there is no "AppState" information associated with this machine, SetMultiBaseStates calls the DefaultBaseState function, which sets the application to its main window, invoking it beforehand if necessary.
Connects Silk Test Classic to an agent on the specified machine. It provides a way to associate a main window declaration and an application state function with a machine name. These parameters are stored as data accessible by means of the GetMachineData function. Both of these names (the second and third arguments to the function) are optional; however, if you omit both arguments, you will have no recovery system.
Executes at the beginning of a multi-test case. It invokes a DisconnectAll function. The invocation of the SetAppState function is performed by the SetMultiAppStates function because the DefaultTestCaseEnter function is not executed for a multi-test case.
Executes just before a multi-test case terminates. It logs any pending exception, then invokes SetMultiBaseStates and DisconnectAll.