File Menu

The File menu contains the following commands:

Command (Shortcut)
New (Ctrl+N)
Displays the New File dialog box, which you can use to create a new file. For additional information, see Creating a New File.
New Testplan
Opens the Testplan dialog box where you can create and edit test plans. This menu item is only available when a test plan is open in the active window. For additional information, see Creating a New Test Plan.
Open (Ctrl+O)
Displays the Open dialog box where you can select an existing file to open.
Closes the active window.
Save (Ctrl+S)
Writes the contents of the active window to disk. If you open a file that is owned by someone else or that someone else currently has open, a view-only copy of the file is opened and changes the menu item File > Save to File > Save Object File. You cannot save the source file (since it is locked), but you can select File > Save Object File to write a new object file.
Save Object File
Available only when a script or include file is view-only. Writes the contents of the current include file or script to disk in compiled form. Useful when you are working with a file that you don’t have write access to and for which you want to create an object file.
Save As
Displays the Save As dialog box where you can rename the current document and save it.
Save All
Writes all open files that have changed since the last time you saved them to disk.
New Project
Create a new project or automatically generate a new project based on existing files that you specify. For additional information, see Creating a New Project.
Open Project
Displays the Open Project dialog box where you can specify the project that you want to open. If you already have a project open, you are prompted to close the project before opening another one. For additional information, see Opening an Existing Project.
Close Project
Closes the current project.
Export Project
Exports a project to the specified location. For additional information, see Exporting a Project.
Email Project
Automatically packages a project and sends the packaged project as an email to the specified email address. For additional information, see Emailing a Project.
Displays the Run dialog box where you can select a script, suite, or test plan (if available) to run.
Displays the Debug dialog box, where you select a script to debug. The script that you select will be opened in Debug mode. For additional information, see Debugging a Test Script.
Printer Setup
Displays the Printer Setup dialog box where you can change printers or specify printing options. For additional information, see Setting Up a Printer.
Print (Ctrl+P)

Displays the Print dialog box where you can print all or part of the contents of the active editor or results window. For additional information, see Printing the Contents of the Active Window.

Recent Files and Recent Projects

Lists the files and projects that were opened most recently in the workspace. You can click on an item to restore it to the foreground of the workspace. Items are prefaced by an integer, n, where the most recent file is listed first. Selecting a recent project causes the current project to close. For example, the most recent file is prefaced by 1. You can select a file by its number to bring to the foreground the second file, press Alt+F+2. By default, nine files and four projects display. You can change number of files and projects displayed by changing the number in the File history size and Project history size fields of the General Options dialog box.

Exit (Alt+F4)

Closes the application.