SetMultiText Method (TextField)




Substitutes all or part of the lines in the multi-line text field.


textfield.SetMultiText (lsText [, iStartLine, iNumLines])
Variable Description
lsText The text to substitute. LIST OF STRING.
iStartLine Optional: The line in the text field (starting from 1) to begin the substitution. INTEGER.
iNumLines Optional: The number of lines to substitute. INTEGER.


SetMultiText substitutes lsText for the lines of text in the multi-line text field.

If you specify iStartLine, SetMultiText substitutes the lines starting with the iStartLine line. If you specify both iStartLine and iNumLines, it substitutes iNumLines lines starting with the iStartLine line.

If iStartLine is omitted, SetMultiText replaces all the lines in the text field with lsText.

SetMultiText sets up to 1024 characters.


	[-] LIST OF STRING lsToSet = {...}
		[ ] "Line 1"
		[ ] "Line 2" 
		[ ] "Line 3" 
		[ ] "Line 4"
	[ ] TextEditor.Document.SetMultiText (lsToSet, 1, 4)