Hybrid applications (apps) are apps that are run on the device, like native applications, but are written with web technologies, for example HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript.
Silk Test Classic provides full browser support for testing debug hybrid apps that consist of a single web view, which is embedded in a native container. A common example of such a hybrid app would be an Apache Cordova application.
WebView.setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled(true); webView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true);
Agent.SetOption(OPT_ENABLE_MOBILE_WEBVIEW_FALLBACK_SUPPORT, false) Desktop.Find("//BrowserApplication//BrowserWindow//INPUT[@id='email']").Click()With the fallback support enabled, the following code clicks on the same link:
Agent.SetOption(OPT_ENABLE_MOBILE_WEBVIEW_FALLBACK_SUPPORT, true) Desktop.Find("//BrowserApplication//BrowserWindow//MobileTextField[@resource-id='email']").Click()
The process for testing a hybrid app on Android is the same as the process for testing a mobile native application. For additional information, see Testing Mobile Applications on Android.