Project Explorer

Use the Project Explorer to view and work with all the resources within a Silk Test Classic project. You can access the Project Explorer by clicking:
  • File > Open Project and specifying the project you want to open.
  • File > New Project and creating a new project.
  • Project > View Explorer, if you currently have a project open and do not have the Project Explorer view on.
  • Project > New Project or Open Project on the Basic Workflow bar.

The resources associated with the project are grouped into categories. You can easily navigate among and access all of these resources using the Files and Global tabs. When you double-click a file on the Files tab, or an object on the Global tab, the file opens in the right pane. You can drag the divider to adjust the size of the Project Explorer windows and click Project > Align to change the orientation of the tabs from left to right.

Files tab

The Files tab lists all of the files that have been added to the project. The file name displays first, followed by the path. If files exist on a network drive, they are referenced using Universal Naming Conventions (UNC). Files are grouped into the following categories:
Contains project-specific initialization files, such as the projectname.ini and option sets files, which means .opt files, that are associated with the project.
Contains test scripts, which means .t and .g.t files, that are associated with the project.
Contains include files, which means .inc files, and frame/object files that are associated with the project.
Contains test plans and suite files, which means .pln and .s files, that are associated with the project.
Contains results, which means .res and .rex files, that are associated with the project.
Contains data associated with the project, such as Microsoft Word documents, text files, bitmaps, and others. Double-click the file to open it in the appropriate application. You must open files that are not associated with application types in the Windows Registry using the File/Open dialog box.

From the Files tab, you can view, edit, add, remove and work with files within the project. For example, to add a file to the project, right-click the category name, for example Script, and then click Add File. After you have added the file, you can right-click the file name to view options for working with the file, such as record test case and run test case. Silk Test Classic functionality has not changed - it is now accessible through a project.

You can work with the folders within the categories on the Files tab, by adding, renaming, moving, and deleting folders within each category.

Global tab

The Global tab lists resources that are defined at a global level within the entire project. The resource name displays first, followed by the file in which it is defined. Resources contained within the project's files are grouped into the following categories:
  • Records
  • Classes
  • Enums
  • Window Declarations
  • Testcases
  • Appstates
  • Functions
  • Constants

From the Global tab, you can go directly to the location in which a global object or resource is defined. Double-click any object within the folders to go to the location in which the object is defined. Silk Test Classic opens the file and positions your cursor at the beginning of the line in which the object is defined.

You can also run and debug test cases and application states by right-clicking a test case or application state, and then selecting the appropriate option. For example, right-click a test case within the Testcase folder and then click Run. Silk Test Classic opens the file containing the test case you selected, and displays the Run Testcase dialog box with the selected test case highlighted. You can input argument values and run or debug the test case.

On the Global tab, you can sort the resources within each node by resource name, file name, or file date.

Note: Methods and properties are not listed on the Global tab since they are specific to classes or window declarations. You can access methods and properties by double-clicking the class or window declaration in which they are defined.

You cannot move files within the Project Explorer. For example, you cannot drag a script file under the Frame file node. However, you can drag the file to another folder within the same category node.

Note: If you change the location or name of a file included in your project, outside of Silk Test Classic, you must make sure the projectname.vtp contains the correct reference.