When you execute a keyword-driven test with
Silk4J and the keyword-driven test calls a base state keyword,
Silk4J starts your AUT from the base state.
During the recording of a keyword-driven test,
Silk4J searches in the current project for a base state keyword, which is a keyword for which the
isBaseState property is set to
- If a base state keyword exists in the current project,
Silk4J inserts this keyword as the first keyword of the keyword-driven test.
- If there is no base state keyword in the project,
Silk4J creates a new base state keyword with the name
Start application and inserts it as the first keyword of the keyword-driven test.
To manually mark a keyword as a base state keyword, add the
isBaseState property to the
annotation, and set the value of the property to
@Keyword(value = "Start application", isBaseState = true)
public void start_application() {
// Base state implementation