Marking a Test Method in a Script as a Keyword

Mark an existing test method in a script as a keyword to reuse the method in keyword-driven tests.

  1. Open the script which includes the test method that you want to mark as a keyword.
  2. Add @keyword() to the start of the test method. By default, the keyword name is the name of the test method.
  3. Optional: You can set a different name for the keyword by adding @keyword("keywordName") to the start of the test method.
You can now use the test method as a keyword in a keyword-driven test.


To mark the test method login as a new keyword with the name Login, type the following before the start of the test method:
To mark the test method login as a new keyword with the name Login and with the two input parameters UserName and PassWord, type the following:
@Keyword(value="Login", description="Logs in with the given name and password.")
public void login(@Argument("UserName") String userName, @Argument("PassWord") String password) {
    ...    // method implementation
Note: If you are viewing this help topic in PDF format, this code sample might include line-breaks which are not allowed in scripts. To use this code sample in a script, remove these line-breaks.