To perform the actions described in this topic, ensure that Apache Ant is installed on your machine.
To replay tests with Apache Ant, for example to generate HTML reports of the test runs, use the SilkTestSuite class. To replay keyword-driven tests with Apache Ant, use the KeywordTestSuite class. For additional information on replaying keyword-driven tests with Apache Ant, see Replaying Keyword-Driven Tests with Apache Ant.
@RunWith(SilkTestSuite.class) @SuiteClasses({ MyTestClass1.class, MyTestClass2.class}) public class MyTestSuite { }
<target name="runTests" depends="compile"> <condition property="agentRmiHost" value=""> <not> <isset property="agentRmiHost" /> </not> </condition> <condition property="silktest.configurationName" value=""> <not> <isset property="silktest.configurationName" /> </not> </condition> <mkdir dir="./reports"/> <junit printsummary="true" showoutput="true" fork="true"> <sysproperty key="agentRmiHost" value="${agentRmiHost}" /> <sysproperty key="silktest.configurationName" value="${silktest.configurationName}" /> <classpath> <fileset dir="${output}"> <include name="**/*.jar" /> </fileset> <fileset dir="${buildlib}"> <include name="**/*.jar" /> </fileset> </classpath> <test name="MyTestSuite" todir="./reports"/> </junit> </target>For additional information about the JUnit task, see
<formatter type="xml" />
<junitreport todir="./reports"> <fileset dir="./reports"> <include name="TEST-*.xml" /> </fileset> <report format="noframes" todir="./report/html" /> </junitreport>For additional information about the JUnitReport task, see The complete target should now look like the following:
<target name="runTests" depends="compile"> <mkdir dir="./reports"/> <junit printsummary="true" showoutput="true" fork="true"> <sysproperty key="agentRmiHost" value="${agentRmiHost}" /> <sysproperty key="silktest.configurationName" value="${silktest.configurationName}" /> <classpath> <fileset dir="${output}"> <include name="**/*.jar" /> </fileset> <fileset dir="${buildlib}"> <include name="**/*.jar" /> </fileset> </classpath> <formatter type="xml" /> <test name="MyTestSuite" todir="./reports"/> </junit> <junitreport todir="./reports"> <fileset dir="./reports"> <include name="TEST-*.xml" /> </fileset> <report format="noframes" todir="./report/html" /> </junitreport> </target>